Personal Narrative: Life Lessons Learned Through Literature

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Life Lessons Learned Through Literature
When I am reading books I always seem to put myself in the characters’ shoes. By doing that I allow myself to learn from the characters’ trials and tribulations they are facing. I learn from their experiences because I experience the challenge with them as I read. As crazy as I might sound, it is a habit of mine. I have learned and continue to learn from the books I read. Books have taught me about human character, keeping an open mind, and always following my dreams.
Human Character
Books have shown me examples of heroism; as well as, the villainous acts of human beings. I mean let’s be honest who doesn’t love a hero; we all do. In the book, The Lost Child of Philomena Lee, it shows us that there can be a hero that comes to save the day. However, in human nature there isn’t always that knight in shining armor that comes to our rescue. On the other hand, most of us experience the trials of Peter Pan. Villains come through frequently in books like Peter Pan, but they show us relatable effects of human evil. The manipulative side of humanity, as that of Captain Hook, we see almost …show more content…

As a very young girl, I loved books based on fairytales. Books that stretched the imagination to great lengths. Cinderella is always a good choice; Cinderella taught me that even though we may not have all the finer things in life, with a good heart our dreams can come true. As a kid, I did not understand that, but I as I grew I learned that very helpful lesson. Then in Alice in Wonderland, having a wild imagination and following your dreams is the best type of crazy. Alice said, “This is impossible.” Then the Mad Hatter replied, “Only if you believe it is.” I have always dreamed big. I shoot for the stars and I have faith that I can do it because of books like these. Dreams are something to be proud of and literature shows us that our dreams are not as crazy as they may

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