Personal Narrative: Life After Surgery

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Have you ever had surgery? If you have then what would it be, and did it hurt as bad as you thought it would? We had to leave early in the morning to go to Gasden, we had to check in and file paperwork. All that stuff took about an hour or two, also because we had to patiently wait in the waiting room. But when it came time for me to go in I started feeling nervous, and kinda scared because I didn't know what the results after the surgery would turn out to be. A nurse and a doctor came in and back out of the room, checking on the anaesthesia they had gave me. As the doctor checked on another person, the nurses added two I.V. needles in my arms, and a laughing gas mask. As the doctor walked in the room, he asked, "Are you ready to have surgery?" I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah I think so." But before he got started with the procedure he explained one last time what he had to do. He explained to me how they were going to cut a dime sized hole and drain the fluid out, after they finished they would stitch it up and be done. It took maybe two or three hours for the doctor to finish the operation. Once I awoke I remember being dizzy, in pain, and kinda confused. …show more content…

I remember that day being hungry, and just feeling yucky enough to throw up an entire cow. I could not stop thinking about how tomorrow is Independence Day. "Hooray, I can't wait!" The doctor said I could not yell or talk to much because if I did my stitches would rip off, so I had to be extra careful. Independence Day came and I went all out! I had forgotten about the doctor's warning and began shooting fireworks. As I did this, I yelled to the top of my lungs "fire, and get out of the way!" This obviously had been a very bad

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