Personal Narrative: Learning How To Ride A Bike

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Learning How to Ride a Bike One of my childhood memories that I remember was when I learned how to ride a bike by myself. I remembered that during one summer, my parents bought me the bike at Toys R Us. the bike costed around a hundred dollars. It took me about three days to learn how to ride a bike by myself. One day, my parents took my little brother and I to Toys R Us to pick a toy. When we arrived at Toys R Us, I already wanted to jump off of the car and run into the building. I was excited to get a new toy and get home as fast as possible to open the package to play with the toy that I would be getting. As I got out of the car, I told my parents to hurry, so that I would be able to go into the store as fast as possible. Toys R Us had grey stone statues of a girl, a boy, a crayon, and …show more content…

My little brother and I ran into the store and we started to look for our something that we might want to get. After looking at the toys, we went to the sports section. The sports section had bikes and other kinds of sport equipments for kids. I saw a bicycle with training wheels and hopped onto the bike and started to pedal. My younger brother also found one and we both rode on the bikes for about half an hour. My parents found us at the sports section and we told them that we had decided to get bikes instead of toys. After a couple of minutes, my parents decided to buy us both bikes. I was glad that they agreed to buy us bikes and I began to choose a bike that I liked. I looked through each row and finally saw a bike that I liked. It turned out that the bike I chose did not match my size, so I had to find another one. I was unhappy for a few minutes and I finally found another one that I liked. This time the size of the bike was just right for me. My little brother chose a Lightning McQueen bike. The bike he chose made race car noises every time he pressed the engine

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