Personal Narrative: How Water Changed My Life

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Let's face it, we all take things for granted. Even the simplest of things such as toilet paper and the clothes on our backs. One of the most vital thing that I used to take for granted was water. I guess God really wanted me to learn that I really need water and that I'm really lucky to have that, because one day the most horrible thing happened. At the time that it began I didn't think much of it, but after a while I finally realized that my life was about to get really difficult. It was the summer of 2016 somewhere around June. My sisters and I had just begun summer vacation. I remember how the sweat felt as it was trickled down my face and across my back while I began to feed my animals. When I got to the hose to fill my bucket …show more content…

They said that we would be given a tank that would hold all of our water, but that we would have to wait because there were other people who had also ran out of water. We were so happy it felt as if we had just seen a light shine through a raging storm. After a while we realized that we weren’t going to be given that tank for water anytime soon, so my mom called the government once more. When she calls they told her that we would be put on the waiting list, but my mom told her that we were already on the list and that nobody has come to help us.Then the people said that they would send someone to come help us next week. Sure enough next week a man in a white truck comes with the biggest tank I had ever seen. A group of men come outside and they put in the tank and they connect the water to our house. After they completed this I ran inside and turned on the sink and was so happy to see water coming out of the faucet. Every week a man would come with a big tank full of water then hook the tank to our tank and start filling it …show more content…

Some day later this couple come to our doorstep and ask us if they could come in. When they came inside they talked to our parents about our water situation. “We noticed that you guys had a tank for water, what’s up with that?” the man of the couple asks, while scratching his greying hair” “Our well ran out of water so we asked for the tank so that we could have water.” My parents responded
This went on for some time until eventually they said that they could help us and dig up a new well. To this my parents said that they would do it. Unlike the process of getting the tank, these people got to work quickly and once a month had passed we had a new well with running water. It was at this moment when we knew that everything was going to be fine. A couple of weeks later my mom had all of us write an essay about our experience through the drought, how we can prevent this from happening again, and most importantly what it felt like to have running water again. Looking back I realized that we were so lucky to have gotten through those terrible times. While I wrote that essay I realized how much I took the water we had for granted, and that we should be thankful for what we

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