Personal Narrative: How Music Changed My Life

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Throughout my life I have used the countless skills I have gained from music such as perseverance, dedication and my knowledge that a chance may only come once. Mrs. Mento was the first person to give me a chance. I struggled to find a teacher that would teach me music due to my young age. Music has always interested me due to the connections that can be made from it to the world around me. She saw that interest and spark in me and gave me the chance to learn music and improve myself. She taught me the basic skills needed to play piano, creativity, and the love of music. Mrs. Mento praised me for every little thing, telling me that a mistake was okay. However she pushed me to achieve not missing notes within a phrase, and eventually a song. …show more content…

Therefore, I began to serve at masses at St. Paul. This experience of becoming closure to god through serving was an eye opener to me. Through serving I found Vickie and Father Dennis. They were the ones that saw my total potential. They saw my knowledge, dedication, love, and talents and wanted me to better and apply my potential. They gave me a chance I never thought I would have. Vickie knowing my music capabilities believed in me and gave me a chance to learn how to play the organ. Not only that but Father and Vickie, provided me with a space to practice and be at peace with my music. They provided me with books, an organ, a piano, and teaching to become the best I could be. Vickie saw my talents not as hard work, but as a gift. The church paid for my lessons and encouraged me to continue as I struggled to learn. I struggled to find organ shoes and had no way to even afford them at the time. I was at a breaking point and Vickie and Father Dennis saw that in my life. Therefore, Father Dennis and Vickie searched for organ shoes for me and secretly bought them for me. I will never forget the moment that I came to the church to practice and found a box on the organ bench with my name on it. Opening it, I felt tears pool in my eyes, as I looked down upon a pair of organ shoes. They constantly helped me. They provided me with rides, lunches, and understanding. I pushed through learning the pedals and …show more content…

I have now been a server for ten years and organist for three. I am now a role model to many children and adults. My faith and love for my community has now inspired my career path. I have noticed that there are no pediatricians in my area. The closest pediatric office is currently 45 minutes away from my community. This is a struggle for many families as they can not afford the care their children require. My health struggles have shown me how important health care is to a child and I knew that I had to give my community a chance for good health. Mrs. Mento's death as well as the health of my community, family, and myself has created an unending desire to better the lives and well-beings of the world. I hope to contribute knowledge and innovation to the world with research, teachings, discoveries, and passion. The search for answers in the world of medicine is never ending, and I realize that. However, I feel as if it is my duty to make a contribution to the cycle of knowledge within

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