Personal Narrative: Hershey Track

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I push the pole above my head and then swing it down in an arch to my hip, its tip lifting into the sky. Leaning back, I focus on the back of the metal box in the ground, my head clearing. I take my first step forward and begin to count back in my head as my right foot hits the ground. Five… four… three… My pole begins to drop, and as I reach my final step, I push it into the box and launch myself into the air. As my legs swing up, I clear the bar and fall with a soft thud onto the mat. For a moment, I lay there, my breath caught in my throat, and then I roll off and grab my pole. Track has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started out in a Hershey Track & Field program, then moved on to join middle school track, and

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