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Types of sport
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Out With a Bang Cross country and track to an outsider, they can only be seen as running. Well, to a student of the sport they are both so much more. Runners are gathered to both, but there are plenty of variations between the two. Although I love both of these sports, if I had to side with one, I would choose track. These can commonly be seen in training, races, and people. The training in these sports is an enormous difference. In cross country a runner trains by going miles upon miles each day to build their stamina, as a sprinter this is far from my favorite part. This is a sport where an athlete has to have the will to stay true to a course instead of cutting and cheating themselves the training they will soon need. Cross country is a mentally tough sport, an athlete has to have the mindset that they will be able to go that distance. While in track the athletes also train to build their stamina, it is a different aspect they need it for. This is a sport with no shortcuts, but knowing I pushed myself as hard as possible in those short, intense workouts. Both of these sports consist of lengthy stretching to stay as healthy as possible for the real purpose. …show more content…
Race day will either be filled with one race of a few, very fast miles or a fraction of that in dead sprint. While a track athlete can always count on racing around the oval in track, and never lose sight of the finish line; cross country sees a course of winding hills and trails that can leave me wishing it were track season. No matter the sport, I am running against the clock at the bang of the gun. I always find myself pushing harder and harder to beat not only the clock, but the next girl in front of me. For both of these sports race day is a little different, but it is always the most
They race against themselves: to conquer their wills, to transcend their weaknesses, to beat back their nightmares" (603). This quotation shows that running is not always competition, but it helps runners overcome their
As far as the length of meets, track meets are longer than cross country meets, track meets have many more events than cross country meets. In my opinion, placing in track is easier than placing in cross country, because in track meets there are only 9 runners per heat, and usually there are 2 to 4 heats. On the other hand, cross country has from 200 to as much as 700 people racing at the same time! Imagine that, running with 700 people, cluttered and being shoved and pushed while running. Not the best feeling in the world. Sometimes you get “spiked”, other runners tend to kick you or step on you with their spikes. Usually runners use plastic spikes, but there are some runners that use metal spikes, and at times they use it in a way to help them cheat, by “spiking” ...
Many people argue that cross country is one of the hardest, most physically challenging sports there is out there. A lot of people shudder at the idea of running two or more miles on hilly, steep, muddy and rocky trails. The funny thing about that is that is not even the worst part. In order to run two to four miles in races, one must prepare. “How do you prepare your body to run this long?” one might ask. That is where my argument comes in. Being a cross country runner of four years, I have seen, done and heard of a plethora of ways and strategies to become a successful cross country runner. Some are outlandish, ridiculous and just plain out stupid; but some are also rewarding, beneficial and worth the hard work. Personally, I feel like having a good strong balanced diet, learning how to pace yourself and maintain a positive, motivational attitude and the key ingredients in being a successful cross country runner.
One factor which is probably significant is that three weeks before the race, during an easy run the day after an excellent 41-mile training run, I injured a calf muscle. I used electronic stimulation to promote healing, and ran very little during the three weeks preceding the race. This area bothered me frequently during the race, feeling as if it wanted to cramp.
Running in a girl’s cross country meet isn’t as easy as it sounds, but with a little experience and help it can become a better experience. The first thing everyone does is line up on a spray painted line in the grass. Before the race even starts the race official tells us the rules and counts everyone that is running. He also tells us about any big holes or ditches that we may encounter in our 2 mile journey.
Running may have a heavier toll on the body than any other sport, literally. With each stride, force of two to three times the bodies weight is hammered on the joint, muscles, and tendons.
Track is a sport that offers a good exercise for your body, keeping you healthy while participating. Conditioning is the way track players practice on a regular so your body can perform through exhaustion. During practices for show choir you are required to run 1.5 miles a day so you can condition while performing. As you are singing you potentially run around the stage, so running can get you prepared to perform vocals while dancing for 20 minutes without a
Of the more than twenty million Americans who are running today, most who start do so for the wrong reasons, with the wrong attitude, and tend to lose interest after a few weeks or months. Many quit. This is usually because they become concerned with superficial goals such as time and distance and never discover the more profound mental benefits that running offers. (Lilliefors 15)
As a distance runner for the Buena Vista University Cross Country and Track team, in Storm Lake, Iowa, my experience with low mileage training and high mileage training came out wit...
A sport enjoyed by millions all over the world. A fun and refreshing activity that, like all others has many injuries that can occur. Running and participating in track events causes millions of teens, worldwide some kind of injury. Injuries can be caused by accidents, using equipment wrong, not warming up or cooling down properly, little stretching and even being unfit.
My sophomore year had begun and I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to do track this year. Last year I played football in the fall and soccer in the spring. Not really enjoying it, the decision was made to play " real futbol" (soccer) in the fall, leaving the spring sports season open. My friend kept telling me how fun track was, so I decided to give it a try.
Track and field during the victorian era was very similar to present day with many of the same events.Track and field's line of events is from ancient athletic festivals in Greece and the British Isles. Both the original Olympics in ancient Greece and the Celtic Tailteann Games date back to around the ninth century BCE. These games played host to the best athletes throughout the world, who competed in running, jumping, and throwing events in addition to wrestling, archery, and the greeks had swimming.. Professional track and field had no regulation, with many athletes making a living by their skill and talent. There are multiple stories of sprinters who would travel from town to town in disguise, pretending that they had no talent in racing and then persuaded many local people to compete with them and sometimes spectators would place bets against them. Often the races would be handicapped events, meaning the locals were given a rough 5–10 yards' head start in a 100-yard dash. During this way the athletes were able to make a substantial living. Long distance races were also very common, often the races were promoted heavily for extra money. Though cheating happened frequently, the professional sport still had...
A sport is usually defined as competitive. Horseback riding is very fun and just as competitive as any other sport. Also it is kind of special and different because it includes different types of events. Also it includes lots of clothing and equipment, which can be expensive but totally worth it. These events would include gymkhana, dressage, showmanship and jumping. It is not like
Everybody has at least sprinted a short distance on a track or have run at least a lap on a track for a period of time. Many people that have play sports have experienced sprinting or long distance running. Some sports like basketball, baseball, football and sprinting event in track require short burst of speed. While sports like cross country or some events for track and field require endurance for these events. In the Olympics for example there are many differences between sprinters and long distance runners. These differences include physical differences, motion, and different workout plans between sprinters and long distance runners.
Athletics were of immense importance to the Greeks. The first Olympic Games were made up of only foot races and later through the centuries expanded to include wrestling, javelin hurling, discus throwing, boxing, jumping, chariot racing, horse riding, the pankration and the pentathlon. The period of competition gradually expanded to five days and the festivals to one month. The foot races included four types of racing. The stadion was the oldest event in which runners sprinted for 192 meters or 1 strade. The 2-strade race was 384 meters and long distance running ranged from 1,344 to 4,608 meters (7-24 strades). Ancient Greece also had a 2-4 strade race by athletes in 50-60 pound...