Personal Narrative: Have You Ever Felt Lost?

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Have you ever felt lost? Like you didn’t belong somewhere? I have. I remember I was 10 years old, and I was going to fifth grade. Up to that point of my life the only language I knew was spanish.In school I had only taken “bilingual” classes in school, where the teacher spoke nothing but spanish. In a bilingual class I learned how to write and read in spanish. As you probably already guess that wasn 't the case my fifth grade year. My fifth grade year I was placed in an all english class, knowing nothing but how to say, “Hello”. I struggled so much that year. I felt like I was back in Kindergarten learning the alphabet, but at least in kindergarten the other kids knew just as much as I did. I was lost and too scared to ask for help. It was embarrassing to be the only one in the class that didn 't know …show more content…

In the beginning my score was very low. If the grading scale was from 0-5, I would get a 1. As we kept taking the practice and the tutorials continued I started getting confident. I started scoring better and better each time. Finally it was time to take the real thing, this was it. If I didn 't pass this they would have to hold me back, I would REPEAT the fifth grade. My heart was beating fast as I sat down at my desk that day knowing that there was no going back. The teacher started passing out our exams, giving instruction. Let us know that we could take all the time we needed this exam wasn 't timed. At this point the only items in my desk were an exam and two #2 pencils. I was prepared and as I stared down at my exam all the confidence that I had faded. She instructed us to begin. I opened the exam up to the first page and started reading. I started to remember all the strategies we had gone over during tutorials. Suddenly, this didn’t seem so hard. I knew I had studied and if I gave it everything I had I would pass. I read through that exam twice before I felt that it was ready to be turned

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