Personal Narrative: Fish And Game Warden

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Fish and Game Warden
The Story of My Search There is no feeling like walking out into the woods on a windy chilly afternoon, and climbing into my favorite deer stand waiting on the perfect buck to come out. As he walks out and I put the cold rifle to your face, breathe in, pull the trigger, and watch him fall. I want future hunters to know that feeling and not worry about poachers messing with the game that the little young hunter is hunting. I want to protect the game and their natural habitats from poachers and cheating hunters. I looked up the information needed to become a fish and game warden The first place I looked for information about Fish and Game Wardens was a website called MS Choices. The next placed I looked at was a website …show more content…

He decided to go into this field because he enjoyed being outdoors and that’s where he felt most comfortable. The easiest part of being a game warden is doing the job. He enjoys doing his job, but he has to drive a lot. But for the most part, he is outdoors for most of his days. He is most busy during summer months and the fall hunting season. The training needed for becoming a game warden is a thirteen-week long game and fish program. He has rescued many animals and, surprisingly, people during his thirty-four years. He mostly patrolled the rural parts of Monroe county. Ray Dardy enjoyed everything about his job, especially helping people. He would recommend this job to any responsible person who loves to help people and being outdoors. At the end of my interview, he realized that he never finished loading the kennel up, so I put my interview paper up and helped him finish.

My Reflection Of all the information that I’ve learned about my chosen career, the most interesting was Fish and Game Wardens can search vehicles and locations without a warrant. The main thing that I learned about doing research was how useful the internet and others who have worked in the field can be at giving you information about my career. I learned that parenthetical documentation is very different from other forms of essay formats. I also learned how to format a works cited page on my essay. The only thing that I will change about doing another research paper will be doing more research and looking up more reliable

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