Personal Narrative Essay: Driving As A Teenager

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Driving as a Teenager

Gaining the experience and actually learning to drive behind a vehicle, big or small. After practice most people get the hang of it. At first everybody thinks driving is a piece of cake but it actually takes patience and coordination of using only one foot and also using the wheel at the same time and other controls of the vehicle. I got this idea I was ready at 15 and I was ready to learn with or without supervision. I thought learning how to operate a car is not just common sense but the purpose of the car is. It is meant for transportation and not wrecking into ditches or crashing. It is always best to have someone assist you or help teach you, whether its a parent, cousin, grandparent, etc. Anybody is better than nobody. I found out it's a lot better to drive automatic if I have experience in driving a manual. For starters to best to have a teacher to follows all laws of the road and the directions of the lanes, highways, and as simple as crossing at a 4-way intersection. I started …show more content…

When I was 15 my dad was gone to Portland and drove his Harley so his car was just sitting there waiting to be driven. What do you think a bored 15 year old in the summer would do if the keys were on the table and know one was home? I live out in the country there was no way that I would get caught, right. Wrong. During my little escapade I ended up crashing his car in the ditch about a mile away from my house. I walked home, called my dad and told him what I did. I was so nervous, I thought about lying and said one of my cousins or brothers had did it but that lie was going to last long and the punishment was most likely going to be longer than what I got. He thought I was just joking but when he came home it was a different story. I also personally think he is not going to be the one who will be teaching me to drive either because he is also a little reckless behind the

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