Cause And Effect Essay On Distracted Driving

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With the new generation of technology, iPhones have been a booming trend all across the globe. Everyone is so concerned with reading or sending text messages that they cannot resist the urge to check their phone in any situation whether it’s the dining room or behind the wheel of a car. According to Virginia Tech Transportation Institute,” texting messaging while driving creates a crash risk twenty three more times likely to happen” (Federal). In today’s world, seeing someone texting while driving is not uncommon. Look over to the left or the right while driving, and soon enough there will be someone who drives by while their head is looking down at his or her phone. Due to the number of car wrecks and catastrophe caused by them, texting and …show more content…

“Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention from the primary task of driving” (What). There almost endless ways to be distracted while driving which includes texting, using a phone, eating, drinking, talking to passengers, reading, which includes maps, and adjusting the radio. All distractions endanger the driver’s, passenger’s, and bystander’s safety. Sometimes, some of these distractions are unavoidable, but are also not so dangerous. “Because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention, it is by far the most alarming distraction” (What). According to the official government website for distracted driving, five seconds is the average time a person’s eyes are off of the road while texting and that is enough time at 55mph to cover a football field blind folded (What). That is an unnerving thought to think of when 660,000 people are actually driving and doing that at any time during the daylight every day. “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2012 that driver distraction was the cause of 18% of all fatal crashes” (Federal). That’s 3,328 people dead and 421,000 wounded due to someone not focusing their attention on the road at a time when they should have been

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