Personal Narrative Essay

795 Words2 Pages

Crazy Ex B.F.F

Jamina. A

Once upon a time their 4 girls names Lina, Quinn, Rachel, Molly is living in California. All girls were having fun at Quinn's sleepovers. Rachel, were telling scary stories and all the girls was scare. Quinn though it was a good Idea to go bake cookies and the girls went to the kitchen and bakes lots of cookies. After they were done Molly threw a pillow to Lina. The girls had a pillow fight and it was fun after that the girls were tired so they all said good night and went to sleep. It was the middle of the night and Molly was thirsty she went to the kitchen and she heard a scream. Molly went to look where was the screaming was coming from. Molly followed the scream and she knew it was Lina. Molly was calling Lina's name out loud and Lina was screaming " Molly helps ah". " Lina, Lina" said Molly. Molly went to wake the girls up and the girls was worried. …show more content…

They all got a text video from Lina crazy ex Bff shelly. Shelly was laughing and told the girls she will leave clues for them each clue says come find me- Shelly. All the girls were searching all over California parks and everywhere they could think of where Lina favorite hiding spot and they finally found a clue. Lina favorite hiding spot was a little tree by the with a swing. The clue says come find me in New York- Shelly. The girls had to lie to their parents to go to New York to look for Lina. All the girl's parents agree so Quinn, Rachel, Molly went to New York and was sent pictures of where the next clue was hidden at. One was at New York

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