Thomas Pleasant Summary

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The story of Thomas Pleasant The story begins one day in Richmond, Rhode Island at Chariho High School. Thomas and his friends Jacob, Lucas,Emma,Lauren and Samantha(Sam) were in Mrs.Weatherfield Biology 2 class learning about the function of plant cell’s. Mrs. Weatherfield has dark brown hair and Is a very tall skinny women. The bell rings and Thomas and his friends walk home because they all live in the same neighborhood on Pleasant Street. Thomas says to his friends we should go to the cemetery tonight after he gets out of work at Kingstown Pizza, or tomorrow because it is Halloween. Jacob agrees with that idea and said that would be cool. Lucas says my grandfather Kevin is in that Cemetery and that we should try to find …show more content…

Samantha’s mom made homemade pizza and it was really good. Thomas said everyone ready, Lucas said yeah i'm good I have my flower’s for my grandfather Kevin. They start walking to White Brook Cemetery, Thomas, Samantha, Emma and Jacob are talking about what happened with Nancy bullying Lauren, meanwhile Lauren is asking Lucas about his grandfather and ask how he died and how much times he got to meet him, Lucas said I meet him a lot of times, he was a good person to talk to, Lauren says he sounds like a nice guy, Lucas says he was. A few Minutes later they reached White Brook Cemetery. Thomas said let’s go find your grandfather’s grave Lucas. Lucas said yeah let’s go find my grandfather Kevin’s grave. Jacob said let”s split up and find Lucas’s grandfather. So they split up Thomas went with Lucas and Lauren, Samantha,Emma and Jacob then went together, a minute later Emma and Samantha were talking and they turned around and Jacob was gone, Emma said oh my god he’s gone, Samantha then screamed Jacob they heard a noise and ran. Thomas found Lucas’s grandfather’s grave, Lucas bent down and put the flowers on the grave, Lauren brought a flower and put it down on his grave. Lucas said thanks Lauren, Lauren said your welcome. A minute later Emma and Samantha came running, Lucas asked what was wrong they told him Jacob went missing, Thomas said let’s not panic he probably fell down a hole. Lauren said there’s a lot of holes in the grass. Lucas ask where did you lose him, Samantha said near the graves over there. Thomas said let's go over there, they all followed him as the wind was rustling as they walked, as they were looking Emma said look it’s a black cat. As they kept walking a kid came running screaming our names,Jacob saw us and said we need to go. So we ran out of the Cemetery and ran for our life’s back to my house. They ran back to Thomas’s

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