Personal Narrative: Damage In Houston

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Although I am only eighteen years old, I have experienced things some people may not come by during their entire lifetime. Unfortunately, this experience is one that left emotional and physical damage within my community. It was August of 2017 and I was seventeen years old. There was a hurricane warning that I did not take as serious as I should've. This was indeed a huge mistake. Hours later, I awoke to loud thundering and decided to get out of bed. Shockingly, my feet landed in about 2 feet of water. I have lived in Houston my entire life and never saw this much flooding within my city. A deep fear grew within me, my family, and the people of Houston. The awaited storm had finally arrived in Houston and many were unprepared for the significant …show more content…

The storm had finally passed, but the problems came flowing through. 13 million people were affected and more than 80 people died during those days. I felt an overwhelming rush to help those in need, even though my house had been hit really hard. I found a church to volunteer at and I immediately went to work. I noticed extended lines of people from all backgrounds who truly needed aid. However, the amount of volunteers was minuscule compared to the number of people who needed help. I then contacted my friends and family who were safe from the storm and asked them if they could come to assist these individuals who were in dire need. Within 24 hours, they all came and brought a great amount of people with them who also had supplies, as well. This beautiful sight is one that brought so much joy to everyone involved. We were able to quickly help the men, women, and children who then showed utter appreciation and gratefulness for what they were given. I was able to lead the distribution of clothing, interact with the victims, hear their stories, and give out a sufficient amount of supplies. Many with tears in their eyes and huge smiles on their faces, left the church with a newfound hope and

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