Personal Narrative: Basketball

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Nonathletic people see basketball as a hobby. Some see it as running after a ball back and ford in a court. For me basketball is more than just hoops and a ball. Basketball became a big part of my life when I stared playing at a very young age. The only reason I played was because my dad was a big fanatic of basketball. Quite frankly I hated sweating and running. I was just a kid when I started playing ball so I didn’t think it made a difference if I played it or not. When I started high school is when I realized basketball was in me. It was this passion I could never let go of.
Generally speaking sports was never something I thought I would like to be a part of. When I was in elementary all I cared about was my grades. I was always being teased by my classmates who were in sports because instead of being one of them I was a top student in my school. My parents noticed I was being teased by kids in athletics. They came up with an agreement to sign me up in a youth basketball league because that was the sport my dad loved. I wasn’t enthusiastic with the fact I was going to be a part of a team sport but I had no choice. For the most part I was a benchwarmer because I didn’t embrace my skills. Not until my first game I had the opportunity to realize I actually liked basketball. …show more content…

Therefore, by playing I became good at layups, shooting, and handling the ball. I embrace my skills and I showed them off in the court. My youth basketball league was over but I did not stopped there. I continued playing basketball in my middle school. I made it to the varsity basketball team. Those kids who teased me in elementary wanted to be my friends now. Not to be mean or anything but I decided to keep my old friends. I didn’t want to change them for people who didn’t believe in me. My friends said I was the best basketball player they had, I didn’t want to brag but it was

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