Personal Review Of Essay Daddy's Loss

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In Anne Morgan Gray’s essay, “Daddy’s Loss,” she discusses her time growing up with her father and his missing hand. An aspect of the narrative that stood out to me was Gray’s father and his self-consciousness about his hand. I have tried to conceal many things in my life, therefore I understand the fear and dismay that Gray’s father must have gone through, even if my experiences were not as extreme as his. My experience in childhood sports was very similar to Gray’s father’s experience with missing hand. Sports have always been something that I enjoyed. I would participate in almost anything growing up if it had to do with athletics. I idolized the idea of recreation and competition. When I was in middle school, I discovered two unusual sports that I instantly fell in love with. Wakeboarding and snowboarding were uncommon among my peers and appeared exotic to them. I was excited to find two sports that I ended up being very talented in, but I was timid and unconfident in being open about it. When I began telling my …show more content…

However, we share commonalities in respect to dealing with your insecurities and trying to hide them. Fear of embarrassment and being judged by others is one of the greatest fears imaginable. Now that I look back on my days of being shy and hiding from not only others, but also myself, I regret it. It would have been better to open up to others, be honest, and be satisfied with myself and who I am. It is difficult to have the unpopular opinion or be something other people do not find “normal.” As of now, I try to be as honest as possible with people, and be content with myself. I realize it was much more difficult for Gray’s father and dealing with a missing hand, but I feel opening up to others is always the best option. If Gray’s father could have opened up not just to his family but in public also, he could have breathed easier, knowing he had nothing to

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