Personal Narrative Analysis

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It was Christmas night, we were having one of the biggest blizzard in Iowa that year. The electricity was out and my whole family was cuddled up in blankets sleeping in my parents room. Then, in the middle of the night my mom and I woke up to my little sister crying in her crib. My mom got up to try and get her back to sleep. But my mom smelled something unusual, she went out in the kitchen and saw that there was smoke in the kitchen. She then got confused and look everywhere in the kitchen to see what was going on. During this time I was watching her wander around the kitchen because I had no clue what was going on. Then my mom came back in the room and said, “ Stacy get up! I think our attic is on fire!” My Dad jumped up and told my mom to get us kids out of the house to go to our neighbors. When my mom got me up, I was so confused because everything was happening so fast. I kept on asking myself why had not our fire alarms gone off. We quickly got our coats, boots, and hats on and ran out of the house. My parents stayed back and called 911. I was scared to death because I did not know if we were going to lose our house or not. I was also thinking about if my parents are okay and safe. …show more content…

I was so scared and nervous at the same time, I threw up. My mom finally came into the house asking, “are you kids okay”. We all told her we were okay so she could calm down a little, but inside we were not okay. The firefighters got lost trying to find our house because we lived out in the country in between two county lines. They finally showed up and got the fire out two hours later. If was not for our neighbor, we would not of had a place to stay while the fire was going on. We would of had to wait outside for hours if he was not living in that house. He was one of the things I was thankful for during that

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