Personal Narrative: An Interview With A Pastor

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NT2200-Week Four-Interview with a Pastor My interview with Minister Loggins began with the hierarchical structure of marriage and family, and he said, “The idea of a woman submitting to her husband can only be done by a believer.” His opinion is that submission is of the Lord and can only be properly done by someone who has submitted their life to Christ. He referred to Adam and Eve and the relationship they had before the fall. Adam was created first and Eve was formed from him and yet, they in right relationship with each other, were equal. The order was given by Paul in Eph. 5:23-24 (KJV), calls for the order to exist in the family as well as in the church family. He calls for both the husband and the wife to submit themselves to one …show more content…

He recounted the scriptures where Paul used Priscilla and Aquila in ministry, along with other accounts of women partnering with Paul in ministry. He said Jesus even ministered with women and honored them and their service. As far as leadership in the church being performed by women, Paul not only promoted the partnership of women in the ministry, he welcomed them and was thankful for their service. Minister Loggins believes Paul was probably not married because of Paul’s statement to the unmarried and the widows in 1Cor. 7:8-9 (KJV). It was Paul’s suggestion that they remain unmarried as he was at the time. There is speculation that he may have been married at one time because that was a requirement for being a member of the Sanhedrin. We also talked about women in leadership at his church, and he said they allowed women to teach all, men and women. However, they are not allowed to do so from the pulpit. The pulpit is viewed as a position of authority and not the place for a woman. He said it is allowed in their church now because the church is small and he could not do it all himself. Since he has no one else willing to do it, he welcomed the help from the

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