St. Paul: The Journey From Saul to Paul

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Most Christians envied St. Paul or Apostle Paul because he was picked by Jesus to become an influential messenger of the gospel. Paul, who was first known as Saul of Tarsus became Paul when he saw Jesus Christ resurrected on the Damascus Road, which then he converted to Christianity. Paul was not taught the gospel, nor did he receive the gospel from anyone; he received it from the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul is the author of 13 books of the 27 books of the New Testament Before Paul was a Christian; he was a persecutor of the Christian church. Before his conversion to Christianity, Paul was a Pharisaic Jew, and he strongly believed in following the tradition of his fathers. “For you have heard of my former life in Judaism how I persecuted the Church of God violently and tried to destroy it; and I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the tradition of my fathers.” (Gal. 1:15-16)

Paul’s religion collided with the thought of Jesus being the Son of God, and him being raised from the dead on the third day after his crusification, so this is why Paul thought the persecution of the church was needed. Another reason Paul could not accept Christianity was because it was not clear how Jesus could be the Son of God, and yet have to be crucified on the cross. He thought if Jesus was crucified, then he had a curse placed upon him, and if Jesus was cursed, then how can he be the one true Son of God? Then Paul pondered how could Jesus be raised from the dead if God placed a curse upon him. All of these questions led Paul to persecute the Christian faith and church.

After Paul became a believer of the Christian faith, he started teaching the people he preached to that they were save...

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...unfit to become an apostle, but it shows how God will change anyone, and he will use anyone to glorify Him. Paul learned that he could do all things with Christ who gave him strength, and that was one of the main things he taught. “ I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Paul came a long way from where he first was, a merciless persecutor of the Christian church, who approved of the stoning of Stephen. Paul was martyred for the faith that he had once persecuted. They prized the letters he wrote to the churches, and he became one of the most recognized apostles of his time

Works Cited

Schmisek, Brian 2011.Paul’s Vision of the Risen Lord, vol 41 number 2 Pgs 76-83

Awwad,Johnny 2011. From Saul to Paul: The Conversion of Paul the Apostle. Theological Review vol 32, pgs 1-14

The Bible. Philipians, Galations, Ephsians, Titus

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