Personal Narrative: A Career As A San Diego Police Officer

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Looking back on my relatively short life of only twenty one years, it is hard to pinpoint any event that has such a significant impact on my life. Mostly because at this point, not much really can happen that occur in a short hour long time span. Most likely contributed to the fact that 90% of my life has been spent in school. So coming up with something that is not commonly experienced is not the easiest. But luckily enough, an event that may fit that description happened almost a year ago. The moment in question was my opportunity to work for the San Diego Police Department. When most people think of a job at a police department, they most likely think of a sworn officer. But that is not the job I was after. The job, like many at a police department, is a civilian position. For those that do not know, a civilian position is any not occupied by a sworn officer. Simply meaning, its a position where you do not carry a gun and are not "sworn" in. My civilian job title is a Special Events Traffic Controller. Which as the name applies, it involves directing traffic at special events. Some common events that we work include Padres as well as Charger games. As to summarize it is a job for the police department that directs traffic and we work with but …show more content…

Due to the major portion of the lot being locked behind a key card fence and gate. And since it was a weekday, no one was in the public parking lot and I had it all to myself. The offices themselves are a few trailer type buildings placed together. But the office I wanted was a trailer off to the left side situated by itself away from the rest. The supervisor building. Since I was a few minutes early for my interview, I took a few minutes to compose myself. Since this was my first interview, I had no idea what to expect or what kind of questions they would ask. So I just had to do my best to calm myself

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