Law Enforcement Essay

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Law Enforcement, what’s the first thing that pops in to your head? Is it the terrible image that is given to law enforcement by society? Do you think about how police officers risk their life every day to defend the rights of others, to keep peace in your town? I know by experience that being an officer is not an easy career of choice and it’s not for everyone. Most of every law enforcement agency has a dreadful work agenda. I also know that not everyone is cut out to be a police officer, you must have the demeanor and the features of an officer to be a successful officer. Also being an officer there is always the possibility of becoming injured.
What does it take to be a law enforcement officer?
Law Enforcement Schedule/ Home Schedule In …show more content…

It takes a certain individual to become an officer. Law enforcement officer have to endure pain, physical and emotional pain on a daily basis. Believe it or not law enforcement officers think and act differently than regular civilians. Police officers pay more attention to detail without even noticing they are doing it. Also officers are fast to judge someone by their looks. This tactic most often keeps officer alive.
Officer are also known to be confident and arrogant and proud of what they do. An officer I willing to serve and protect the constitution, they are eager to help civilian’s. An officer is always on guard and watching his back he will never turn his back on an enemy or an inmate. Individuals need to be physically fit to be able to perform this job. Being a cop involves a lot of running and walking. Police officer are constantly moving through out their shifts. Also an individual needs to be psychologically okay in their mental state. If you’re working the road you don’t want to have a reliability with a mentally ill officer. When being an officer you need to know how to speak to people correctly. A lot of respect comes from the first impression and if you are not aware on how to talk to people the correct way you may have some problems with people …show more content…

After you’ve been at the jail for a curtain amount of time the department will send an officer to a training facility. This training is called the Police Academy. This training is to ensure that an individual is physically, mentally and academically ready to be put on patrol. This training is centered on many different topics, such as Defensive driving, State and Federal laws, and self-defense and shooting. At the police Academy an officer will be tested to the max for eleven months. If you’re not mentally and physically ready to be an officer you will not pass this training

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