Personal Learning Essay

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Humans are so different when learning that there are not enough names to describes all the ways of learning that exist, as each person has a different one. Learning is a process in which we get to know things about a subject that we do not have much knowledge about and we try to understand the concepts behind it. Each one of us has specific needs, factors or strategies that influence this process and helps it to be as productive as it can be. Personally I think that we all, by the time we get into college, know our specific needs, factors and strategies in which we tend to study and learn in a more productive way. In terms of needs I tend to prefer studying with someone as this helps me to share ideas and also be an auditory learner. The factors that are …show more content…

It is very similar but, in my opinion, it is more beneficial than actively reading as you can share personal knowledge that the other one did not know so you get out more satisfied when you get out of a session of active listening more than just reading. When I say satisfied I mean that I feel that I have learned more when I share knowledge with someone than just reading about it, as I would create those personal connections with the knowledge. I find that, although it is harder to find someone to share the study session with, it is still beneficial for me as I learn more things and I also can learn what is more important because of the emphasis that the person puts in some subjects. Another difference with active reading is that active listening does not have as many parts as reading has. This is because the most important part of active listening is just concentrating in what the other is saying so tat you get as much information as you can. Both active reading and active listening are strategies that I use in many areas, not just for learning, but they usually appear to be more useful when learning comes

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