Personal Leadership Philosophy Paper

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This paper will provide an in-depth look into my personal leadership philosophy. My leadership philosophy consists of leading by example, being an approachable person, learning from others, and knowledge of your team. Throughout my life, I have worked with outstanding leaders and all of them contributed to my leadership philosophy. I believe leadership is diverse and ever evolving throughout life experience. I have witnessed one common denominator in all my great leadership and it was their ability to adapt to their followers. A leader maximizes the potential in each individual they lead. During my time as a leader, I have found leading by example, being approachable, learning from others, and knowledge of your team as vital to leadership. …show more content…

In creating my leadership philosophy, I asked myself the question, “how do you expect to lead people to accomplish a common goal, if the individuals are not comfortable approaching you?” A leader has to be approachable in order to foster an environment of cohesion amongst the team. In my experience working with leaders, I have found my best leaders to be people I can approach to ask a question. For example, if a leader asks me to accomplish a task that I am confused about, I need to feel comfortable in going to my leader to ask clarification. In my opinion a leader provides direction not orders. This aspect of my leadership philosophy is about attitude and how you communicate with your team. As a leader, if you demonstrate a positive attitude and you communicate directions respectfully it is likely the team will approach you with concerns. If you bark orders in a disrespectful manner, it is likely the team will just accomplish the task to appease you without quality. My approachable leaders fostered an environment for me to learn and contribute. This formed the next aspect of my leadership philosophy, which is learning from others. Learning from others formed my leadership philosophy. I took pieces from all my great leaders and formed principles that I stand by. I do not believe leadership is dictating others. I believe leadership is taking contributions from team members and directing them to a successful outcome. My philosophy is that all team members have something to offer the team. I believe in giving all team members the opportunity to learn and grow. When all team members are involved, it is likely everyone will feel involved and valued. Leaders maximize their team’s potential, in order to do this, the team has to work

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