Personal Bias Analysis

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Reality frequently comes into question due to the unreliability of one's perspective. The way a person remembers an event is dependent on their emotions and state of mind at the time of occurrence. This may lead to the past being misconstrued by an individual's personal bias.
This distortion can be utilized by people in power to advance a personal agenda. Usage of the aforementioned distortion takes many shapes and forms, one of which being propaganda. The idea that everything is not always what it seems is more relevant today than ever before.

Unfortunately, people aren't the most dependable sources of truth. Reasons for manipulating the truth are common in our day to day lives. Twisting a story to suit your needs is a ubiquitous tactic utilized by a variety of people; from a child trying to get out of trouble to a general trying to rally his troops. It is probable that human history as it has been recounted to us isn't the reality of what happened. For example, in WWII both the Allies and the Axis powers believed in their causes. However, the way the war is depicted to us is from the Allies' perspective (the morally righteous allies defeated …show more content…

News networks are in full control of the stories they inform the public about, potentially allowing powerful individuals to influence a story to benefit them personally. This topic is paramount in the world today, especially when discussing the current United States President: Donald Trump. The president has consistently declared any story that negatively affects him as "fake news". The use of this term has increased distrust in the news networks by his supporters. This distrust allows Trump to brush off political scandals that would result in the termination of a presidency for any other person. As unhealthy of a practice this is, it has been extremely effective thus far. However, a byproduct of this tactic; a society in which reality repeatedly comes into

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