Perseus Synthesis

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Introduction Perseus, son of Zeus, was one of the many demigod heroes of Greek mythology. While best known for slaying Medusa and using her head to turn his enemies to stone, he also married Andromeda, saved his mother Danaë, and ruled over Argos, one of the city-states of Ancient Greece. Because of all the great things he accomplished, Zeus placed Perseus and his wife Andromeda up in the sky as constellations (1). The reason why I picked the constellation Perseus is a bit less highbrow, however. I am particularly fond of the middle grade series of novels Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the sequel series The Heroes of Olympus. Because Percy (short for Perseus) plays such a prominent role in both series, the name Perseus was one I recognized …show more content…

It has moved off the main sequence and consequently is farther along in its life than other stars, such as Algol, which is still on the main sequence. Due to the combination of its high luminosity and surface temperature, α-Per will live a comparatively shorter life. In addition, we can conclude that α-Per has a high mass, based on its position in the H-R diagram (2). β-Persei β-Per is one of the most interesting stars in the constellation. Named Algol (meaning Demon Star) early in its history due to its variable nature, Algol forms the basis for one of the classes of eclipsing binaries. In the EA class of binaries for which Algol is the basis, both stars are approximately the same size. One star is much more luminous than the other, however. As the less luminous star revolves around the brighter star, the apparent magnitude of the star changes based on the locations of the two stars. Algol itself ranges in apparent magnitude from 2.12-3.39, which is quite a substantial difference (7)! Regarding the evolutionary history and stage of Algol, it is a B8 V star. Still on the main sequence, Algol is burning mostly hydrogen; no helium flash has occurred yet. Due to its classification as a B8 star, it is a hot star, coming in at over 10,000 K. It is about five times the mass of the Sun and will live between 108 and 109 years …show more content…

Because it has wandered off the main sequence, it is undergoing fusion of some heavy element such as helium. It has about twice the mass of the Sun but around ten times the radius (2). γ-Per will live about 109 years, similar to Pollux (2). δ-Persei δ-Per is a member of the same unnamed open star cluster as Mirfak. In addition, δ-Per is a variable star of the type γ-Cas, meaning that it is an eruptive variable star (7, 9). δ-Per has a luminosity class of III, meaning that it is a giant star. It is about six times the mass of the Sun and will live around 108 years. The radius of δ-Per is roughly three times the size of the Sun. A comparable star is Achernar, in Eridanus (2). ε-Persei ε-Per is a member of the same unnamed open star cluster as Mirfak. In addition, ε-Per is actually a double star, though one that is difficult to resolve. Recently, ε-Per was determined to be a variable star of the type βC, meaning that it is a pulsating variable star, with a period of 0.1-0.5 days

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