Perseus Quest Essay

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The Significance of The Quest to The Society The Quest of Perseus: Quest to kill the gorgon Medusa Cut off Medusa’s head Bring Medusa’s head to Polydectes to save his mother Danae Perseus is taking on this quest to save his mother He is also taking on this quest for the love of his family Not doing it for the fame and royalty The society of Perseus valued family members over other values The society also admired those that brought them peace Without the gorgon turning the people to stone, the families in the society can all live peacefully and lovingly Significance of the quest to the society is to show love and to value family members the most Perseus as well as saving his mother, married Andromeda and sailed off with her after saving her …show more content…

Theseus is taking on the quest for the fame and fortune and royalty as well as to become the king of Athens Ariadne offered the way out of the labyrinth for her hand in marriage When he arrived to Crete, he was paraded before he went on his way into the labyrinth Killed the minotaur by beating it to death Took Ariadne with him on the ship over the sea to Athens Everyone in Greece loved him because of his goodness and they all admired him because of his nobility All of Greece expressed warm approval and admired Theseus for his great heroic deeds The society of Theseus admired those of nobility The significance of the quest to the society is that Theseus’ society admired those of great heroes Theseus’ society was impacted by Theseus becoming a waise and disinterested king The Quest of Jason: Quest to get the golden fleece and to get past the symplegades Jason is taking on the quest for the fortune and the fame that he will be granted after his quest The quest that Jason took on was also because he wanted to become a hero of Greece and a king Jason had sent runners out to get men from the society in every city of Greece to join him on his quest Never before had there been so many men that were gathered together to seek fame and fortune and …show more content…

Jason and Medea return home with the golden fleece and have two children Jason acknowledges that he will never become king if he stays married with Medea because of the greek’s being scared of her dark soul Significance of the quest to the society is that Jason's society admired those of great heroes The Quest of Thomas (The Maze Runner): Quest to escape the glade Thomas and the other people (Gladers) in the society are trying to escape the maze They are all trying to survive while the Grievers (monsters) go against them The maze is difficult to escape because of the moving walls that change everyday Every month the Gladers get a box of things like tools and food The last person who arrived in the Glade had changed things in the Glade Thomas and the Gladers get hunted by the grievers because the last person who arrived in the Glade changed things so the door to the maze stays open at night which allows the grievers to enter Thomas finds out that in the maze, the walls that are moving aren't just moving randomly, but they are actually spelling out letters and words which is a clue for them He also finds a cliff like place that the grievers are entering and leaving the maze which he calls the griever

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