Archetypes Of Perseus

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Perseus The intriguing myth of Perseus shows many archetypes that are shared with countless other stories. These archetypes include the task, which is situational, light vs. darkness, which is a symbolic archetype, and the hero, which is a character archetype. To better understand these, the myth itself must be understood. Perseus’ story begins when his grandfather, King Acrisus, receives a prophecy that says the son of his only daughter, Denaë, would kill him. To make sure this wouldn't happen, he locked his daughter away so that she would never have a son. He would not kill his own daughter because he afraid of the God’s wrath that he might receive Unfortunately for King Acrisus, Zeus desired Denaë and was able to impregnate her as a cloud …show more content…

This is until the brother of Dictys, Polydectes, who is king of the island desires Perseus’ mother as a bride, but does not want the baggage of her son. Therefore, he mentions to Perseus that he wants a Gorgon head more than anything, so when Perseus has nothing to give to the king he declares that he will bring back the head of Medusa. His first stop on his journey is at Delphi where he learns where the Gorgons are located. Then, he meets Athena , who gives him a shield to use as a mirror, so he does not turn to stone by looking directly at the Gorgons. Also, Hermes gives him a magic sword that can cut through anything, including Gorgon scales. He also helps Perseus by telling him how to trick the Gray women into telling him where the Hyperborean nymphs are by stealing their only eye when they are passing it to the the next person. The Hyperborean nymphs are the only creatures that know how to kill a Gorgon, and they help Perseus by giving him winged sandals, the cap of invisibility, and an expandable wallet that can hold anything of any size. Finally, Perseus reaches the Gorgons, and chops off medusa’s head while wearing the cap of invisibility and the winged sandals and looking into the shield as to not be turned to stone. Athena guides his sword and decapitates the sleeping Gorgon. He then puts the head into the wallet and starts his journey

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