Perfect Utopia Research Paper

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Imagine a world in which there is always happiness and never any problems. The weather is always beautiful, the sky is always blue. How does this sound to you! Does it sound like a nice place to to live? It sure sounds like a beautiful place to me that I would want to live in. A definition of a real utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Everyone has different view points of a perfect utopia. My vision of a perfect utopia is when everyone is peaceful, the weather is always sunny and the sky is blue, and no sickness.

The definition of peace is free from disturbance. What does this really mean? when I hear the word peace the first thought that comes up is not involving in war or violence. From my experience in life I've noticed myself as when I was at a younger age people were much different, they weren't as aggressive or violent as now a days. As new generation enters I have realized many have changed in a lot of ways. People start to argue, than hate, and the last step violence start to occur. My vision is having everyone be peaceful and have love to each other, and try to help others who are in need, also work together as a family and never be aggressive or violent. …show more content…

Many people go to these amazing places usually on vacations where it is always sunny and the sky is always blue, but think about living there your entire life. As a kid I always enjoyed the hot sunny weather, but where I grew up the weather wasn't as I hoped it would be. I have always enjoyed tanning on the beach and swimming, but the weather was not always the same. In my experience I have realized that as the weather changes to sunny my mood changes to happy.In my utopia I want the weather to always be sunny so that people would enjoy more time outdoors than indoors and that people always feel

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