Perfect Society: Is Perfection Possible?

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Is perfection possible? Also, if we could have perfection, would we want a perfect society? These are questions many people have asked, but don’t spend enough time thinking on. The only way to answer these questions is for people to sit down, state their positions and argue it out until a compromise is made on the views of this subject.
Some theories think perfection is possible if we could change everything about ourselves down to a genetic level. Other theories think perfection isn’t possible because human nature will always kick in if person A, a genetically “perfect” human made to be outgoing and productive, to have conflicting goals with person B, another genetically “perfect” human who had the same genes for being outgoing and productive, …show more content…

The only way this could happen is if everyone were forced to only have babies that were made to be perfect and have babies that are the best possible choices. This would mean that if anyone had an imperfect child, that child would have to be killed or given away to an imperfect society so as to not destroy this perfect society’s perfection. This is very similar to what the Spartans did with their young. They would raise their children only if it seemed like it was a good child that would be useful during its lifespan. They didn’t allow weak offspring to survive because the last time they did that, they had a giant slave revolt and almost crumbled as a society. They chose an imperfect way to become their idea of a perfect people.
This shows that the only type of “perfect” society someone should hope for is a near perfect society that is constantly striving to become better by cooperating with other societies or combining all societies into one giant society that just builds itself up as a whole until it is one perfect utopia. It shouldn’t just be about making the leaders perfect or all the citizens perfect, but about making it as close to perfect by trying to stop all crime, wrong-doings, and misdeeds before they happen by using science for the betterment of mankind after their birth, not before

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