Perfect Leadership Theory

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Throughout time there have been many theories developed concerning leadership. The important thing to remember when examining any of these theories is the fact that there is no such thing as a perfect theory. All theories will eventually find their weaknesses. The most vital lesson any leader can learn is that they must find the leadership style that best fits himself. This can truly be a massive task considering the fact that there are so many concepts, styles, and theories that exist concerning what makes a good leader. Although this task is difficult, it is a journey that leaders must commit to embark on if they desire to achieve their highest leadership potential. This new theory on leadership is called "Out of the Box Leadership" (OTB) …show more content…

When asked what leadership is and what a good leader does, most people would have at least one or two examples of a leader who immediately comes to mind. While these examples are in fact helpful to the shaping of each new leader, one must also remember that there is no one perfect way to lead. Every human leader that has ever lead on earth has had their own weaknesses, struggles, and downfalls. Even if new leaders tried to follow the best example they have ever seen in the most exact way possible, they will ultimately end up failing in their leadership role whether it be a downfall of the leader they were mirroring or a personal pitfall. The fact is that as humans we can never be perfect at anything no matter how good we can be. This is really where OTB leadership comes into play. While we know that leaders cannot be perfect no matter how hard they try and failure is ultimately inevitable, this idea of leadership can help because if a leader fails in some way they can reach out to a new way of achieving their goal and find an option to success. Sometimes this will happen easily and in other situations it will come from trial and error but the point is that if leaders understand that they have more than one option to find success it will be much easier for a leader to pick himself up after a failure and try the next …show more content…

The first point is that it is challenging. This theory of leadership will test any leader who tries to apply it in a very powerful way. The next point is that OTB leaders must be aware of the potential trap of traditional leadership. These leaders must be willing to take chances for the good of their organizations. Another key of this theory is that it will challenge leaders to think in ways that they may have never thought before. They will have to apply the best concepts of leadership according to the situations they find themselves in. Leaders with also have to make it their personal goal to become the leader that they want to be. They will have to build their foundation based on all of the knowledge they become exposed to concerning leadership. Finally leaders will have to be aware of situations which may produce burnout. By understanding their susceptibility to burnout, hopefully they will be able to avoid it whenever possible. Although every concept of leadership has its own downfalls, out of the box leadership has the potential to build some very strong leaders who are committed to providing the best leadership they can to their

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