Patrick Henry Speech Summary

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The people of the colonies want representation when it comes to issues about them. Having someone else tell them what rules they have to follow without any say in the matter is what angers many colonist. The voice of the people must be heard so there is cooperating with the colonies and Great Britain. Without having cooperation the nation will have many problems and issue will not be fixed unless both sides come to an agreement. Patrick Henry speech, “Give me Liberty or Give me death”, brings up one side on how to fix the issue. His solution to the problem is to go to war with Great Britain, so they can become free and create their own choices to govern the colonist. Many colonist are frustrated and angered with how they have been treated. …show more content…

Even though, there has been years of trying to make them hear the colonist after a while the British Parliament will listen to the request of the colonies In Robert Allison article “The American Revolution: A concise History” he says,”…though each colony would continue to govern itself. The king would appoint a president-general, to ensure that the council did not conflict with British policy.”(Allison 5). The king allowed for the colonies to govern themselves, so it shows that the colonies could make decisions for the colonies as long as it does not interfere with British policy. The colonies already have representative if they work harder than they can convince the king to change policies that benefit the colonies. For example, in Jack Greene’s article “The Constitutional Origins of the American Revolution” he says, “… no new parliamentary taxes and guided through Parliament a repeal of most of the Townshend duties, they retained the tax on tea to stand as a symbol of Parliament’s colonial authority” (Greene 113). Colonist and Great Britain came to a compromise on issues before, so they both can still come to a compromise on future

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