Patricia Powell's The Pagoda

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Call Me Lau A-yin:A Journey of Self Discovery in Patricia Powell’s The Pagoda “I think Lowe’s journey was about authenticity, how to get to someplace in himself that was truer than what he’d been living. I think he was tired of pretending. I think, at a certain point, he had lost himself in the many stories he was living—his father’s story, Cecil’s story, Miss Sylvie’s story, the villagers’ stories.” Patricia Powell Patricia powell tells the compelling story about a woman Lau A-yin referred to as Lowe who embarks upon a lifetime journey in discovering who she is and identifying herself. Upon this journey she attempts to change her identity when escaping a pedophilic marriage, and later to satisfy the people around her for her own survival. …show more content…

This was the catalyst in the events that occurred after in Lowe’s life. It forced her to let go of all that was safe (the shop, the constant control of Cecil) and take risks that she was never before forced to take(following his dreams, and controlling his own life).The burning of the shop for Lowe was similar to that of a phoenix. Like the phoenix bird who is reborn from the ashes from which it is burned, Lowe himself was reborn from the ashes of the shop burning. The shop burning allowed Lowe to finally start looking into herself a she searched for her next step in life. She could have rebuild the shop and just continue life as it was but instead decided she wanted to build the Pagoda. For the first time in her life she had a dream that was her own. A person’s dreams and aspirations often times is a reflection of that person’s values, and characteristics. An individual’s values and personality are key factors in self discovery and identification because it is ultimately what frames the individual. For Lowe to formulate a dream of her own at this point reveals that she has an identity outside of hat was build for her. She has her own values and her own thoughts and ideas that now when given the opportunity and freedom is planning to exercise them. Despite the years of suppressing herself and trying to completely wrap herself in her new identity Lowe still doesn’t lose the characteristics of her true

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