Patient Interview Essay

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The purpose for my interview with physician, Dr. Hoylond Hong, was so that I can get a better understanding of Pain Management. I have seen a lot of physicians whom don’t want to deal with prescribing narcotic medications and I can see why with everything that is going on with overdosing and misuse of the medications. The process of scheduling was a bit difficult because the physician was on a tight schedule. We had to re-schedule a couple of times. But managed to set something up last minute; when he had time after doing procedures. The interview was a bit nerve wrecking because it was a last minute meet and I felt like I was a bit unorganized. I had to rush to meet the physician and was a bit nervous, but overall the physician did answer …show more content…

I have realized that physicians have to be very detailed and thorough with their reports and document every single thing to avoid any miscommunication and/ or errors. The dedication that they have to stay in school and to continue to learn is tremendous. For example, Dr. Hoylond Hong went to school for 11 years and that to me sounds like an eternity. Dr. Hong had broken it down for me, he did two years of grad school, four years of medical school, one year of internship, three years of residency and a year of fellowship. He did not have much social time when in school but he does not regret it. His parents have always been supporting and pushed him to do better. I have a better understanding and grateful that doctors do take their time and dedication to stay in school, and sometimes we forget the struggles that some doctors go through in completing their degree. I have noticed that some patients talk down to doctors and demand there preferred treatment, and tend to forget that the doctor did take his time explaining the best options. I have also seen that we don’t acknowledge many doctors for their dedication and hard work, some tend to be over worked and underpaid. This assignment has opened my eyes to see from the doctor’s point of

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