Patient Education Case Study

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Patient education refers to a program involving patients, which is designed to reduce the risk factors associated with various disease developments (Falvo, 2011). It also involves monitoring the effectiveness of disease treatment procedures as directed by the medical nurses, as well as maintaining the lifestyle changes of the patients in order to improve the health outcomes. Patient education involves dieticians, nurses, and medical personnel approach to guide the patients to achieve recommended health benefits, enhancing lifestyle changes in terms of behavioral and dietary practices in order to accomplish the patient’s health goals (Serrano & Monden, 2011). This paper discusses how the patient education can be applied to Trevor, diagnosed with ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes so as to achieve treatment, and also assist him in the management of his unhealthy lifestyle.

Patient’s Assessment

Assessment includes both the patient history and physical assessment concerning a medical condition (FitzGerald, 2008, p15). Trevor is a male aged 61 years, married to Susan, and with four children. Being an architect, Trevor has an unhealthy lifestyle; he sits the whole day at his desk, hates physical activity or sports, and either relaxes or visit friends on a weekend. During physical exercises with his wife, Trevor becomes breathless due to his cigarette smoking habits of one pack per day. He also practices unhealthy diet by frequently feeding on chips and steak, which contains high levels of saturated fats. Recently, GP recommended him for the diagnoses of type 2 diabetes, which he never bothered to attend.

The Trevor’s physical assessment included the height of 172cm and a weight of 122 kg, hence he had obesity (BMI of 41.2...

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...are vital in assisting the patients diagnosed with various disease conditions, how to manage them in line with medication in order to achieve the patient’s health benefits. Good communication skills by the medical personnel’s significantly allows patient’s compliance to the health advices provided at the health facility (Bastable, 2011). It also incorporates personal ethics in regard to the social responsibilities and services towards the patients, enhancing maximum utilization of preventive health care. Consequently, the patient also complies with a given health recommendation such as clinic follow up attendance, as well as a referral. In addition, the quality of services provided, the clinicians’ rapport, and the treatment assurance to the patient’s disease condition provides a positive and remarkable effect on attendance during clinic follow-ups (London, 2009).

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