Party Politics's Influence On Social Policy

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In society there are cases of private problems which can often reflect on becoming a public issue. This is where a private problem has progressed from a micro scale to a macro scale In society. This is where a small amount of people and their close relations are affected and it is apparent that it occurs on a larger scale, which then begins to create an impact of more than half of society. This then becomes a public issue. An example of this would be domestic violence. Domestic violence is an issue that is a private problem but there are common incidents of this which then makes it a public issue. Recent legislation came in reflects that social policies is Clare's law. Legislation designed to protect individuals from domestic violence by giving …show more content…

Public opinion influences social policy because political parties need to show they are addressing issues which the public find important in order to win votes. Public opinions are noticed by things such as media, new issues and perceptions of general well being which if it creates such an issue politicians may try to legislate something that may help, an example of this would be the smoking in a public place ban, affected a large amount of society then made so smokers were not smoking beside non smokers. This may relate to my service user as my service user is a smoker. Party politics influence social policy as parties have their own motives, so different parties may have different policies, such SNP, who's policies prioritise for more independence in Scotland, where as the Green Party focus on environmental issue. The government in power at the time pass legislation, therefor they might push for legislation regardless to whether it is important or mainly unpopular. Media is another major influence, it is every where you go from newspapers, television, mobile phones, social media, as example of this would be the legislation that was introduced to protect children after the Baby P case, when the case was made public it became extremely popular in the media, which took part on the impact of having legislation made specifically after this case. This …show more content…

The Scottish government was brought into Edinburgh in 1999 to have more equality within decision making for Scotland. They are given devolved powers where as Westminster have reserved powers and the overall power. They Scottish government introduces legislation to attempt to tackle social issues in Scotland. The welfare state was brought in to help these issues. The key elements of the "Welfare State" were understood as being ,Social Security, Health,Housing Education,

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