Participation In Health Care Essay

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A health care system exists to address the health care issues of its community. To do so equitably it must recognise, plan for and implement necessary changes to cater for the diverse needs of the community. It is when the community engages in dialogue with the providers of health care that the specific needs are revealed and can then be planned for and implemented. However it is often those who have no voice in the community who have the greatest need of health care. Their lower socio economic status, as well as their lower educational levels, deters them from accessing appropriate health care. Consumer participation is one way to address this lack of representation.

Being able to access health care is a reflection of one’s knowledge of the range of health care available, how accessible and how affordable that health care is. Being aware of the level of access to health care that an individual has, will determine their participation in the health care system as well as the management of their own health. Equity in terms of healthcare refers to equal opportunities for all individuals to have access to varied healthcare options, regardless of their economic, social and educational background. Meeting the demands of the most disadvantaged in the community should be of prime consideration when planning and implementing accessible health care. Inclusive of this is the availability and affordability of allied health care to those without PHI.

‘Consumer participation’ is the involvement of patients in the healthcare system in how care is provided, planned and reviewed. (‘Consumer participation in a youth mental health service. Early Intervention in Psychiatry’ journal volume 5 issue 4). The purpose of participation is to directly m...

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...nd important in her treatment process other women may have found support in other areas of the health system which also require funding. This shows that consumer involvement can only fix so much and that there will always be a need for change and improvement.

There is no doubt that while the health care system attempts to meet many of the needs of the community, it cannot plan and implement a health care system which caters for the diverse needs of the wider community without consumer participation. Community participation is crucial in determining equity in a service which is more accessible to those of a higher SES and a higher education. Acknowledging the specialised health care needs of some individuals only becomes possible after consumer participation. Becoming involved and bringing a different perspective can only be a positive contribution to health care.

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