Parental Civil Liability

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There has been a great debate about whether a parent should be held responsible for the crimes of their child. Having a child is is a lot of responsible not only be concerned about their well-being but getting them to daycare, after school activities, or appointment can be stressful. But there is widespread of a lot of people having kids and not taking care of them. parental accountability laws have been in the legal system a long time. In the article “Parental Civil Liability for the Torts of Minors” written for Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues by Lisa Gentile, a Family Lawyer states “[l]egislation on parental civil liability first appeared in 1846, when the Hawaii Territory imposed vicarious liability on the parents of child tortfeasors.7 …show more content…

For an example child that is considered a trouble maker, but the child is not necessarily bad it’s just that the child needs to be busy, or involved in an activity. In the article “Parental Liability Laws: Rational, Theory, and Effectiveness” written for Social Science Journal, by Jerry Tyler, a qualitative social research and Thomas W. Segady, a Methodology of Social Science states “In its recent National Juvenile Justice Plan, the OJJDP points out that kids today spend an average of two hours alone after school, and the figure is higher for the lower economic groups (Tyler and Segady 90).” So during those two hours, the child is at home alone, and could get into a whole lot of trouble like setting the house on fire, hurting his or her self. It would be an in the best interest of the child and parent if the child is in activities after, so the child won’t have time to get into …show more content…

However as it’s already stated in the paragraphs before it’s the parent’s job to train up their child to be adults. So the parent has no excuse in why they shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of their child. Even in the article “Should Parents be Held Liable for the Wrongful Acts of Their Children?” written for Jackson & Wilson California Lawyers by Jackson Wilson, a Lawyer says that “[In] [the] Singer v. Marx, 144 Cal.App.2d 637 (1956), “The parent has a special power of control over the conduct of the child, which he is under a duty to exercise reasona[ble] for the protection of others. He may thus be liable for failure … to take reasonable efforts to restrain and correct [the child] when he manifests a tendency to beat other children with a stick,” or engages in other dangerous behavior (Wilson par. 6).” The law is put in places not only to protect the child but any other third party that is involved in the situation. The law is also there to people for parent who might encourage their child behavior and it enforces the parents to comply with the

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