Paradise Lost And Mean Girls Essay

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John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost and Mark Water’s movie Mean Girls display how different parental styles affect children. Parents are important characters in all works, whether it be a novel, play, movie, epic, or television show. As a result of the many mediums in which parents are portrayed, often different representations of parents can appear. This is the case with Paradise Lost and Mean Girls. Not only do these works showcase the different ways parental figures govern over children, but they also show how the reactions children have to these controls can be very similar even in different situations. As is apparent with the parent and/or divine leader roles of God the Father and Satan in Paradise Lost and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. Heron in Mean Girls. An analysis of both Paradise Lost and Mean Girls …show more content…

This is apparent in the relationships between Satan, Sin, and Death; as well, it is seen in the relationship God the Father has with Adam and Eve. God the Father is less the parental figure of Adam and Eve than simply their creator and divine ruler. Despite this, however, God does display many characteristics of a parental figure. It is not difficult to see “how closely linked the archetypal human parents are bound by those qualities which make the image of God” (Shullenberger 75-76). Typical and conventional parent figures can easily be compared in similarities to that of God in Paradise Lost. Within God’s relationship with Adam and Eve, attributes such as discipline and guidance – attributes which are commonly associated with parenthood – exemplify the extent of which God acts as a parent to his creations. God the Father’s parenting style can be attributed with part of the reason why Eve – and Adam, eventually – stray from him and commit a sin. In terms of communication, punishment, and free will, God rules over Adam and Eve much like most parents of today raise their

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