“I declared everlasting war against the species”: Sibling Conflict and the Consequences

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley introduces the change from good to evil with the attention that guardians give a child. William Crisman, in his critique of Mary Shelley’s work, identifies the “sibling rivalry” between Victor and the rest of his family. Crisman remarks that Victor feels as if he is the most important person in his parents’ lives, since he was Alphonse’s and Caroline’s only child. The Frankensteins adopt Elizabeth and Victor sarcastically remarks that he has a happy childhood. This prompts Victor starts to read essays about alchemy and study natural science. Anne Mellor, another critic of Frankenstein, proposes that Frankenstein’s creature was born a good person and society’s reaction to him caused him to turn evil. Victor’s makes the creature in his own perception of beauty, and his perception of beauty was made during a time in his life when he had secluded himself from his family and friends. He perceived the monster as “Beautiful!”, but Victor unknowingly expressed the evil in himself, caused by secluding himself from everybody, onto the creature (60). In this way, the creature is Victor’s evil mirrored onto a body. The expression of Victor onto the monster makes the townspeople repulsed by the creature. The theory of the “alter ego” coincides with Crisman’s idea of sibling rivalry (Mellor). Mary Shelley conveys that through Crisman’s idea of sibling rivalry, Victor isolates himself from society. Mellor describes the isolation during his creation of his creature leads to him giving the creature false beauty that causes Victor to abandon him and society to reject him.
Crisman argues that Mary Shelley is constantly emphasizing the “emotion surrounding the parent-child relationship”. In Victor’s early life he feel...

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...society rejected; some may argue it was simply the creature’s bad decisions. The argument is that the decision to kill William and to blame the murder on Justine is an idea that never came from Victor and was the entire creature’s idea. This argument is invalid because Victor created the creature in his perception of “beautiful” during a time when he had secluded himself from society (60). After the creature introduces himself to de Lacy, the creature is expelled from the house due to his scary countenance. The reason that he killed William was because the creature had claimed “war against the species” because Victor had put him into “insupportable misery” (122). The reason that the creature made the bad decisions is because the creature was created as an ugly creature by Victor and was subsequently therefore rejected by society.

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