Pancreatic Cancer Speech

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In this paper, I am going to address two of the deadliest cancers know to the world those are pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer also I will touch on the effect these cancers has on the human body. In addition, I will also talk about the symptoms, the preventive measures and the stages that can be taken. The images above show were these types of cancers are in the human body.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, among both men and women. Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Since most lung cancer is diagnosed at a relatively late stage, only 10% of all lung cancer patients are ultimately cured. The air we breathe contains particles that may be hazardous. The two …show more content…

In addition, I will also talk about the symptoms and the facts that can be taken. I also will talk about the stages of pancreatic and how it’s treatable depending on how severe it is.

Some of these risk factors affect the DNA of cells in the pancreas, which can result in abnormal cell growth and may cause tumors to form. Some genes control when our cells grow, divide into new cells and die; genes that help cells grow, divide, and stay alive are called

“oncogenes”, and the ones that help cell under control, repair mistakes in DNA or cause cells to die at the right time are called “tumor suppressor genes”. Some risk factors, like smoking can be changed but when you have a family history about having can’t be changed. Risk factors that can be changed: Tobacco use – about 20% to 30% are to be caused by cigarette, cigar, pipe smoking and smokeless tobacco products; Overweight and obesity- very overweight people have about 20% more likely to have pancreatic …show more content…

Pancreatic cancer in diets that are high in red and processed meats and low in fruits and vegetables have an unclear effect on risk as well as physical activity because they might increase pancreatic cancer rate. About 25% of cases are linked to smoking,[3] and 5–10% are linked to inherited genes. Family history; 5–10% of pancreatic cancer cases have an inherited component, where people have a family history of pancreatic

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