Speech On Hastier Choices

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The souls descending from the heavens made hastier choices than those ascending from the underworld. The hastier choices can be summed up using two words pain and experience. Pain teaches humanity that something bad or it hurt us so we know it can hurts others. Pain builds empathy, compassion, and wisdom the emotions you need to make wise choices. Losing a love, a divorce, break up teaches us empathy thru pain. we learn that there are stages to getting over any of the three listed as well as many other situation some move on fester then others. Experience teaches us lessons that no book can write or person can tell experience has to be felt and learned firsthand. If you experience pain, hurt, suffering, joy and happiness we are able to make a better choice than someone else who hasn’t felt the emotions listed.
“those from below weeping and sorrowing at the remembrance of the things which they had endured and seen in their journey beneath the earth, while those from above were describing heavenly delights and visions of inconceivable beauty.” The ones from hell had experienced pain, suffering, these emotions combined with the feeling of joy, and happiness teach us empathy (the …show more content…

Because I have drink alcohol and driven a car back in Washington State, Fort Leonard Wood I learned thru that experience that society will not condone this. The punishment I received taught me a painful lesson thru firsthand experience. The fact that I had to bum rides to work, uses cabs to buy food, all while having a functioning car was long and hard. Mr. Forbes set the test to open after the class ends so that student will actually show up this is based on his experiences. Mr. Forbes reading are things he’s passionate about his experiences make the choices about what he want the classes to read and how he teaches them to the

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