Essay On Infant Mortality

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Due to over population infant mortality and low life expectancy are problems all around the world with rising numbers, they are becoming bigger issues. For both there are some solutions but not all the solutions work. Infant mortality is the death of children under the age of one year. Life expectancy is the average period of time a person may be expected to live. Life expectancy and high infant mortality have some big and small averages of babies dying all over, which can be a problem. Some of these problems have solutions and some don’t. Infant mortality is a problem all around the world. In places all around the world the amount of babies that die before their first birthday, the average is found for every 1,000 born.The numbers are …show more content…

If infant mortality drops then there would be more people on Earth that we may not be able to support. Having more people on Earth than we can support means even more limited resources. A negative consequence is that other countries might have to put out more foreign aid if infant mortality numbers rise. Another negative consequence is we may not have the same number of deaths as children being born. Positive consequences could be that families don’t half to go through the heartbreak of losing their child. A positive consequence for infant mortality numbers dropping is countries giving out foreign aid would get back the help they gave and they could use the resources for their country. Another positive consequence is if infant mortality numbers rise then there would be more resources due to less people on Earth that take up resources which would mean more resources for people all around the world. Life expectancy also has good and bad consequences that we will be faced with over the next …show more content…

There are some warnings that will help solutions come about for early deaths that people try to enforce, but nobody thinks about the solutions that are simple things but could give you a longer life. Food:what you eat and drink could help you live a longer healthier life. In the September 2006 Japanese issue of JAMA Shinichi Kuriyama M.D., P.H.D. reported that green tea could help with bacterial or viral infections to chronic degenerative conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis. The doctor also said that green tea can help lose weight with natural antioxidants. Kuriyama also reported that eating three hundred grams of spinach can help reduce the oxygen needed by the muscles in your body by five percent. Almond milk helps with losing weight because it is lactose free, only has two grams of carbs, no cholesterol, and doesn't need to be fortified. If we were to warn people about the food that could help them lose weight and live longer than they could live a longer better life. Forty thousand,thats how many people die each year in the United States from car crashes, those number are just from the U.S. just imagine how many there are in the rest of the world. Everything from t.v. commercials,phone companies and many other people or companies are warning people around the world what not to do while driving to avoid accidents. Some solutions are being done to help

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