Overcoming Language Barriers In Law Enforcement

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Language barriers can be issue with police departments. For example, when a police officer does routine violation stop, and the drive can comprehend and speak English. It will be difficult for the officer to request for license and vehicle registration. In this situation, it can become violent or deadly because the driver will probably do things that are not ask of him or her and this will give the office probable cause to use deadly force. Many police departments are implement training program or the program called Limited English Proficient to train their officers to learn how to speak different languages or the police department is recruiting people that speak multiple languages. In 2005, the Limited English Proficient program and Vera Institute of Justice Training program encourages police department to analyze …show more content…

Some of the factors that need to be consider when trying to find the best method to overcome language barriers while policing are as following; to evaluate the organization’s resources, agency’s responsibilities, to evaluate the size of the multicultural community, how many languages are spoken, how many employees that are bilingual, and how many interpreters organization. It is important for police departments to have polices and procedure to overcome language barriers in order for police officers to police limited English proficiency communities (Breaking Through the Language Barriers: Promises Practices from the Field, 2010). In my opinion, it is important for private and public organizations to adopt and implement programs and laws to overcome the challenges in a diverse work environment. One of the laws that organizations follow are Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. Equal Employment Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination of employment on the basis of race, color, nation, origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political , beliefs , and marital status. Another law that

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