Outraged At This Unjus How Dare You Call Me Stupid?

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Now, it was Sebastien's turn to be furious. Jeanne's unbelievable conviction drove him to his feet and facing her with all amiability expired from his mind, he clamored, “you stupid, foolish girl! Angels are spirits, we, humans cannot see or hear them unless we are saints. Do you presume yourself a saint? A true Christian does not pray nor adores angels. Only God is to be worshiped. You speak of his golden naked beauty, but angels wear robes radiant with luminous light. You are describing Lucifer, the dark angel, who used to govern the universe for God before he was cast out because of his revolt engendered by his monstrous pride. To his idolaters, whom he seduced, did he not proclaim: “ I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the kingdom of God, I will be higher than God.” Outraged at this …show more content…

It is you who is obtuse and unlearned. Has Marie, our saintly mother not been visited by God in the form of an angel? She was only an ordinary woman whom God rendered a saint, after the holy impregnation. But, I did often wonder after reading the scriptures, if Lucifer, the most handsome and accomplished of God's angels rebelled because God did not love him sufficiently and like you, did not try to understand his beautiful child. Maybe my angel is like me, unloved and misunderstood, yet, that those not make us evil.” Upon completing her response, and without waiting for Sebastien rebuttal, she turned around swiftly and darted toward the convent, ditching Sebastien, completely surprised and baffled, with his mouth wide open. With tears streaming down her cheeks, impeding her view, she, at last, arrived in her room and crumpled on the bed. In this fashion ended Sébastien's and Jeanne's first comprehensive dialog. For the priest, after ruminating on the disastrous exchange, he sternly set upon rejoining his parish momentarily. Intuitively, he foresaw a long battle with that pigheaded girl. A victory he wanted now at all cost from this

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