Our Names Research Paper

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The Significance of Our Names Everyone and everything has a name. However no one has really stopped to ask the question of why? Why do things have names, what is the significance? Some have said that your name can alter your chances of getting a job. Also some have said that your name depending on how “original” or “unoriginal” your name is can alter how well you do in school, and how you are liked by people. A name can affect our day to day encounters. On the subject of how your name can alter how well you do in school, “In 1948, two professors at Harvard University published a study of thirty-three hundred men who had recently graduated, looking at whether their names had any bearing on their academic performance.” (Konnikova, Maria. The …show more content…

In addition a Australian study showed that people were more likely to make better impression if their name was easy to pronounce. This can even happen in a school setting. It is not uncommon that a student will be treated differently by the teacher and or other students due to their name being a “normal” or “different”. Also it has been shown that these reactions to someones name in a school setting can affect grades. Studies show that it is mostly the test scores that are the most affected. The hard choice for parents is if they want to have an original name or an unoriginal name for their baby. Some have said that they wanted to have a common name for their child. Their reasoning, they didn't want their child to go through life with an unusual name, due to the fact that some evidence seen earlier in this paper states that individuals with uncommon names have been shown to have psychological effects later in life when they have that name. Then again, parents have been known to say that choosing an “original” name for their baby is too boring and they want their child to stand out from the others. In general a name can really affect your future. Your parents were already making choices for you before you even knew

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