Oskar Schindler's List Essay

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Schindler’s List is one of the most touching, dramatic, movie I have ever seen; it presents the indelible true story of enigmatic german businessman Oskar Schindler who becomes an unlikely saviour of more than 1100 jews. Spielberg (director) has documented evil. In fact Spielberg mad moving tribute to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. Oskar Schindler is a remarkable person that is a war profiteer who paid money to save jewish lives during the Holocaust. Schindler’s interactions was with Amon Goeth who is struggling with hypocrisy, and Itzhak Stern, a jewish businessman who runs Schindler’s factory. How did Spielberg succeed in his documentation? Spielberg shows us the important sides and evil sides. Most importantly telling us the story of the hero Oskar Schindler. He used black and white film, that is inspiration, because all the thing that happened in the Holocaust was all black and white, they did not see a bright day. In addition, there is an important scene, where there is a girl wearing red dress and the lighting candle. In the middle of the …show more content…

Schindler’s main interactions were Amon Goeth and Itzhak Stern. Amon Goeth who is a very chilling as the commandant of the concentration camp, and struggling with hypocrisy. Goeth is cold-blooded murder harshly treated the jews. However, Schindler clearly enjoys Goeth’s company. “Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don’t.” Schindler said these words to Goeth. Schindler uses his influence to try and persuade Goeth to be more forgiving to have morals and treat the jews with dignity that all humans deserve. Itzhak Stern, a jewish businessman that runs Schindler’s factory. Itzhak helped him saving jews by faking their papers and bring them to the factory to work for schindler and as if they are factory workers. Goeth and Itzhak are both friends to Schindler, but the difference between them that Itzhak saves people and Goeth kill

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