Organized Racism

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Organized Racism

Most people only know of one or two racist organizations but there are many, many more. Although we rarely see it in real life, racism lurks all around us. The most famous organization and normally the only one known of are the Ku Klux Klan or KKK. However there are many more racist organizations and religions many anti-racism organizations. Many people are racist without even realizing it. Racism organizations are everywhere, and more will keep on growing until someone is able to stop it.

The most commonly known racist organization is the KKK or Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan has extreme hatred to all Jewish, Negro, and Asian people. They believe that the pure White Christian people should rise above all other people. The Ku Klux Klan promotes protectionism in foreign trade, closing the southern border, and laws prohibiting foreigners from purchasing American property and industry. History proves that the Ku Klux Klan is America's oldest and most effective White Christian Fraternal organizations. The Klan believes that it is doing successfully now because people are beginning to realize that equal rights for all people is just a myth, still people pretend that they believe in it. The Ku Klux Klan official web page address is

Another racist organization is the Posse Comitatus. The Posse Comitatus is an intermittently active, loosely organized group of Christian identity activists dedicated to survivalism, vigilantism, and anti-government agitation. Following the pseudo-religious tenets of the "Identity" movement, Posse members typically proclaim Jews to be the "synagogue of Satan," blacks and other people of colour to be subhuman "mud-races" and Northern European whites to be the "Chosen People" of Biblical prophecy. The name of the group Posse Comitatus translates from Latin to mean "power of the county," and the Posse believes that all governmental power is rooted at the county, not Federal, level. Posse Comitatus is the term Gordon Wendall Kahl, a North Dakota farmer, gave to his far-right militia organization of local farmers and ranchers. He founded the organization in the early 1970's to fight the federal and state encroachment into their local affairs. The posse has attracted many Klan members and other anti-Semites.

The Nation of Islam is an anti-white and anti-Semitic religion based on the teaching that whites are devils created in an evil scientist's experiment. The Nation of Islam identifies itself as Islamic. Members call god "Allah" and call themselves Muslims, they teach and worship in mosques, and they appeal to the prophet Muhammad.

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