Orange Is The New Black Psychological Disorder

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“Orange is the New Black” is a series on Netflix that portraits the stories and life of female prison inmates in Litchfield Penitentiary, which have different cultural background, criminal history and problems within the prison. Many of the inmates clearly demonstrate a psychological disorder, or multiple, which make their time assigned incarcerated peculiarly different, or might be the reason why they had been taken to prison due to crimes they had little control of.
One of the most interesting characters in “Orange is the New Black” is Lolly Whitehill. Lolly is an inmate that comes from another correctional facility, which by her description of it, we can assume that she was part of the psychiatric ward as she refers of the new place as …show more content…

However, the murder of the guard also brought the symptoms of de-realization on Lolly, there was a point where Lolly perceived the assassination of the guard as one of her delusions and did not perceived it as real even though that time it was real. Nevertheless, when she found out that she killed the guard her delusions became worst and she wanted to use the time machine to go back in time and not kill the guard because now the government knew. Moreover, Lolly had memory problems, before arriving to Litchfield Penitentiary she met the main character, Piper, on a plane that was transporting other prisoners and spent time together on Metropolitan Detention Center in Chicago, but when Piper recognized her in Litchfield Lolly did not remembered her until later. Finally, at times Lolly has a lack of insight into her schizophrenia where she knows that her auditory hallucinations are not real, but have valid points like going back on time or that she does not need evidence that people is trying to hurt her because her life is her

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