Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Poems Then And Now

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Oodgeroo Noonuccal's poem 'Then and Now', refers to the once happy and peaceful Aboriginal lifestyle and the desire for it to be like it was before white colonisation. The tone is sorrowful and nostalgic. The speaker fondly recalls the time before European industrialisation and reminisces on their once peaceful life. According to the poet, this was a time when people were free, were children of nature, and most of all, were happier. A poem similar in context, 'Who Are We', by Richard Kennedy, was written in the midst of the injustice and cruel treatment of Aborigines. 'Who Are We' is a narrative poem structured with 4 stanzas. Each stanza reveals injustice and hardship experienced by the Aboriginal community. Both poems were written at a time where they were rendered speechless and use of written word, evident throughout history, was used as a powerful tool for conveying their experiences during times of oppression. The authors wrote these poems uncovering change, retribution and the prominence of Indigenous in society. Many poets use figurative language and imagery to evoke certain emotions and create mood. One such poet is Richard Kennedy, who wrote the poem titled ‘Who are we’.

The poem's tone is set by the blunt statement: where in the world do we feel free, when born into life as an Aborigine. This …show more content…

Both poems discuss the severe impact not only on the Indeginous community, but also the environment. 'Then' refers to the time before white settlers came to Australia, where Aborigines could roam their country peacefully, their lifestyles were able to be expressed. 'Now' refers to everything being changed; constricting their lifestyles and their beliefs because their dreams and values have been shattered by the European colonisation and industrialisation. The impact of the European settlers changed the lives of the Indeginous people, and the lives of future generations,

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