Online Romance

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"Oh, what good will writing do? I want to put my hand out and touch you. I want to do for you and care for you. I want to be there when you're sick and when you're lonesome" (Wharton). The internet is a great source to yield romance yet it proves futile when an honest love is what is sought.

The search for true romance is world-wide, it feeds the dreams of young boys and girls and of older, wiser adults; it permits their fantasies to steadily burn deep within their hearts. Despite the wisdom of these men and women, the call to romance is too captivating to dismiss. Romance is seen and heard through means such as television, music, and novels, people long for it transforming the need for it into a never-ending pursuit, whether the necessity is acknowledged or not. Yet, romance is fleeting for it is mostly fueled on lusts and passions; but love lasts through anything because it is more than just a feeling.

Television is plagued by programs shedding even glimpses of light on the hope of finding romance. Programs such as "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" lead others to believe that romance and possibly the love they pine for can be found in places such as the television. The next logical thought is that if the T.V. is a good or satisfying medium to end the quest for romantic episodes, then, the internet must be equally capable. Fairy-tale like endings to the pursuit of romance via the internet have been heard by all. Stories that warm the heart and might even spark a hint of jealousy as they seem so led by the fates. Read on as an anonymous writer expatiates their love to a pen pal:

Nobody else has ever touched my life the way you have. Even though our friendship exists through a complicated mesh of wires, it mean...

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... and Reading Across the Curriculum, Eight Edition.

Eds. Laurence Behrens, Leanard F. Rosen. Boston: Longman, 2003, 254-261.

Kaidon, Krista. Personal interview. 3 Jul. 2004.

Internet Love. 3 Mar. 1999. Sxy_Lady®. 3 Jul. 2004.

Raygada, Rosemary. Personal interview. 2 Jul. 2004.

Wharton, Edith. Dan's Amazing Poems, Lyrics, and Quotes Page. 24 Jan. 2002.

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Wu, Shelly PhD. Romantic Love and Attachment Styles Biological Behavior Systems.

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